e-Books FAQs

Note: Click on a question to open the answer.
What is an e-book?

An eBook is an electronic version of a traditional printed textbook that can be read on a computer or handheld device. Typically, an eBook offers a larger range of interactivity than a printed book including: highlighting, note-taking, note-sharing, content search, mobility & more.

What are the advantages of eBooks?

eBooks are generally 30-40% less expensive than the cost of new printed textbooks. They are mobile and provide convenience through portability.

What are the disadvantages of eBooks?

eBooks have no resale value and are non-refundable once activated. eBooks have various expiration dates. Unlike general digital reading books, digital format textbooks have an expiration date, commonly 180 days after activation.

Can I use my e-book wherever I go?

Yes. All eBooks (VitalSource and Redshelf) are available online. Titles distributed by VitalSource are downloadable to your device for use with VitalSource’s Bookshelf app, available for both iOS and Android. Titles distributed by RedShelf are downloadable to your device for use with the RedShelf Reader, available for both iOS and Android.

I purchased my eBook online at University Store. How do I access my eBook?

Online orders for digital books will generate a confirmation email from [email protected] and is sent to the email address used when placing the order. To access:

  • Go to ucmbookstore.com
  • On the right side of the home page click Login and select Student
  • Use the same email/password used when placing your order.
  • Click on Activate & Access eBooks
  • Click on the picture of the eBook and follow the on-screen instructions to access your purchased eBooks

I purchased my eBook in the University Store. How do I activate and access my eBook?

Save your receipt! - It has your eBook receipt code on it. To access:

  • Go to ucmbookstore.com
  • On the right side of the home page click Login and select Student
    • First time users will need to register an account with this site.
    • Click “Register Here” on the login screen
    • Select “Create profile for Browsing and Shopping”
    • We recommend using UCM Student email account
    • Follow on-screen prompts to create profile
  • Click on Activate & Access eBooks
  • Select “Click here to activate an in-store purchase”
  • Select your eBook provider from the drop-down menu (either VitalSource or Redshelf)
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to activate your eBook
  • Click on the picture of the eBook and follow the on-screen instructions to access your purchased eBooks

Do I need to purchase both the eBook & textbook for my course?

No. There is no need to purchase both the eBook and the printed textbook.

Can I return my eBook?

Yes, only non-activated eBooks are refundable. Once an eBook is activated, refunds are not available

I have purchased an e-Book. How may I contact customer support?

You may call a customer support e-Book representative: